every last damn thing I love about the Internet

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Poe K. Maun brings your Christmas Gift

I feel it beneficial to our society to announce that certain fellows and a lady or two have generously put to fine use their skills and learning in the field of emulation to provide the public with the latest iterations of the Pokemon universe, largely translated into English, and free of charge. One need only search the Internet with a reliable service, such as Google, for "Pokemon black white v7" to acquire the necessary files and instructions.  Alternately, one could enjoy this link.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Lo, Saturnalia!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yonkoma Dump

Movie yonkoma:

Random yonkoma:


Okay, so some of 'em are more or less than yon.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holy F*ck

This is a human player, and the video is not accelerated.

Furthermore: damned if this isn't a cool idea: First Person Tetris

By David Kraftsow, dontsave.com.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Monday, December 20, 2010

Words Cannot Describe

Some pictures need captions. Some do not. These could go either way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Were it not for the Internet, we J-philes would still be watching Sailor Moon, reading translations of Ranma 1/2 released at a rate of one every 18 months, all the while wondering what life beyond "annie-may" or "man-gah" was like in the magical land of Japan.

Instead, we get a solid 60~75% of everything available in the Japanese market, translated by both commercial and charity sources (AKA fans), and sold for a reasonable price plus horrible shipping charge, straight to the US of A. Or Europe. Or nearly anywhere in the world where one can expect the Internet to be made publicly available in a cafe or library.

This is what I want for Xmas.
Maybe next Xmas, as I understand they are on backorder for the next 6 months. 

FYI: "pan" (パン)is Japanese for "bread."